English 10
Third Quarter
Greek and Latin Vocabulary
Lesson Eleven
1. DIFFIDENT- Shy; not assertive
2. FIDELITY- Faithfulness; loyalty
3. CONFIDE- To trust (another) with information or a secret
4. FALLACY- A misleading or mistaken idea
5. FALLACIOUS- Misleading or deceptive
6. FALLIBLE- Capable of being mistaken; imperfect
7. CREDIBLE- Able to be trusted in or believed
8. CREDENCE- Trust or belief
9. CREDULITY- Tendency to believe things too quickly or easily
10. INCREDULOUS- Unable to believe something; amazed
11. DUBIOUS- Uncertain; doubtful
12. INDUBITABLE- Certain beyond doubt or question
13. REDOUBTABLE- Worthy of fear or respect; mighty
Lesson Twelve
1. ULTIMATE- Surpassing all others; definitive
2. PENULTIMATE- Just before the final; next to last
3. ULTIMATUM- A demand or threat that is final
4. INFINITE- Without beginning or end
5. DEFINITIVE- Defining for all others; standard
6. INFINITESIMAL- Extremely small; incalculably or immeasurably small
7. NOVEL- New and different
8. NOVICE- An inexperienced person; amateur
9. INNOVATIVE- Showing creativity and originality
10. PRIMAL- Original; dating from the beginning of existence
11. PRIMEVAL- Extremely ancient; of earliest time
12. PRIMACY- Condition of being first in time or importance
Lesson Thirteen
1. ABERRANT- Deviating from a pattern or rule
2. ERRONEOUS- Wrong or inaccurate
3. ERRANT- Wandering or straying
4. DEGRADE- To lower in dignity or esteem; insult
5. CONGRESS- A coming together
6. EGRESS- Act of going out; exit
7. CONVENE- To call together, to assemble
8. COVENANT- A mutual or legal agreement
9. CIRCUMVENT- To avoid by going around; bypass
10. CURSORY- Hasty and superficial
11. PRECURSOR- That which comes before; forerunner
12. RECOURSE- Help for a problem; solution
13. INCURSION- An attack on another’s territory; a raid
Lesson Fourteen
1. VIRILE- Masculine; manly
2. VIRTUE- Right action; moral goodness
3. VIRTUOSO- Someone extraordinarily skilled in a particular art
4. DEMAGOGUE- A leader who appeals to people’s emotions to gain power
5. DEMOGRAPHIC- Having common characteristics, such as age, race or gender
6. PANDEMIC- Having an effect on a large area, region, or all over the world
7. COSMOPOLITAN- Worldly or sophisticated
8. POLITICIZE- To give a political character to something
9. APOLITICAL- Having no interest in politics; not political
10. CIVILITY- Politeness; courteousness
11. CIVIC- Having to do with the business of a town or community
12. CIVILIZE- To make more cultured or refined
Lesson Fifteen
1. DICTATE- To give an order; to make necessary
2. MALEDICTION- A recital of words intended to harm; a curse
3. BENEDICTION- A blessing
4. LOCUTION- Style or action of speaking
5. ELOQUENT- Powerful and expressive
6. COLLOQUIAL- Of or related to informal speech
7. EVOCATIVE- Calling forth a vivid image or impression
8. EQUIVOCATE- To use misleading or confusing language
9. ADVOCATE- To argue in favor of
10. EXCLAMATORY- Having a forceful, excited, or emotional tone
11. DECLAIM- To speak loudly and with feeling
12. CLAMOROUS- Characterized by a loud noise or outcry
1. DIFFIDENT- Shy; not assertive
2. FIDELITY- Faithfulness; loyalty
3. CONFIDE- To trust (another) with information or a secret
4. FALLACY- A misleading or mistaken idea
5. FALLACIOUS- Misleading or deceptive
6. FALLIBLE- Capable of being mistaken; imperfect
7. CREDIBLE- Able to be trusted in or believed
8. CREDENCE- Trust or belief
9. CREDULITY- Tendency to believe things too quickly or easily
10. INCREDULOUS- Unable to believe something; amazed
11. DUBIOUS- Uncertain; doubtful
12. INDUBITABLE- Certain beyond doubt or question
13. REDOUBTABLE- Worthy of fear or respect; mighty
Lesson Twelve
1. ULTIMATE- Surpassing all others; definitive
2. PENULTIMATE- Just before the final; next to last
3. ULTIMATUM- A demand or threat that is final
4. INFINITE- Without beginning or end
5. DEFINITIVE- Defining for all others; standard
6. INFINITESIMAL- Extremely small; incalculably or immeasurably small
7. NOVEL- New and different
8. NOVICE- An inexperienced person; amateur
9. INNOVATIVE- Showing creativity and originality
10. PRIMAL- Original; dating from the beginning of existence
11. PRIMEVAL- Extremely ancient; of earliest time
12. PRIMACY- Condition of being first in time or importance
Lesson Thirteen
1. ABERRANT- Deviating from a pattern or rule
2. ERRONEOUS- Wrong or inaccurate
3. ERRANT- Wandering or straying
4. DEGRADE- To lower in dignity or esteem; insult
5. CONGRESS- A coming together
6. EGRESS- Act of going out; exit
7. CONVENE- To call together, to assemble
8. COVENANT- A mutual or legal agreement
9. CIRCUMVENT- To avoid by going around; bypass
10. CURSORY- Hasty and superficial
11. PRECURSOR- That which comes before; forerunner
12. RECOURSE- Help for a problem; solution
13. INCURSION- An attack on another’s territory; a raid
Lesson Fourteen
1. VIRILE- Masculine; manly
2. VIRTUE- Right action; moral goodness
3. VIRTUOSO- Someone extraordinarily skilled in a particular art
4. DEMAGOGUE- A leader who appeals to people’s emotions to gain power
5. DEMOGRAPHIC- Having common characteristics, such as age, race or gender
6. PANDEMIC- Having an effect on a large area, region, or all over the world
7. COSMOPOLITAN- Worldly or sophisticated
8. POLITICIZE- To give a political character to something
9. APOLITICAL- Having no interest in politics; not political
10. CIVILITY- Politeness; courteousness
11. CIVIC- Having to do with the business of a town or community
12. CIVILIZE- To make more cultured or refined
Lesson Fifteen
1. DICTATE- To give an order; to make necessary
2. MALEDICTION- A recital of words intended to harm; a curse
3. BENEDICTION- A blessing
4. LOCUTION- Style or action of speaking
5. ELOQUENT- Powerful and expressive
6. COLLOQUIAL- Of or related to informal speech
7. EVOCATIVE- Calling forth a vivid image or impression
8. EQUIVOCATE- To use misleading or confusing language
9. ADVOCATE- To argue in favor of
10. EXCLAMATORY- Having a forceful, excited, or emotional tone
11. DECLAIM- To speak loudly and with feeling
12. CLAMOROUS- Characterized by a loud noise or outcry
Third Quarter
Greek and Latin Roots
Lesson Eleven
Latin FIDERE, FISUS, “to trust, believe” Latin FALLERE, FALSUM, “to deceive” Latin CREDERE, CREDITUM, “to trust, believe” Latin DUBIUS, “doubtful” |
Lesson Twelve
Latin ULTIMUS, “last” Latin FINIS, “end, border, limit” Latin NOVUS, “new” Latin PRIMUS, “first” |
Lesson Thirteen
Latin ERRARE, ERRATUM, “to wander” Latin GRADI, GRESSUM, “to go forth, to proceed” Latin VENIRE, VENTUM, “to come” Latin CURRERE, CURSUM, “to run” |
Lesson Fourteen
Latin VIR, “man” Greek DEMOS, “people” Greek POLIS, “city” Latin CIVIS, “citizen” |
Lesson Fifteen
Latin DICERE, DICTUM, “to say, to order” Latin LOC/LOQU, “to speak” Latin VOCARE, VOCATUM, “to call” Latin CLAMARE, CLAMATUM, “to shout or call” |