English 11
Third Quarter
Greek and Latin Vocabulary
Lesson Eleven
1. ASSERTION- Something declared or stated positively
2. EXERTION- The use of power and of strength
3. DISSERTATION- A formal and long paper, written for a degree at a
university or college
4. DISCONCERT- To upset and confuse
5. CERTITUDE- Certainty; inevitability
6. ASCERTAIN- To discover; find out
7. ANNEX- To attach oneself; take over
8. NEXUS- The core or center
9. LIAISON- Intermediary; go-between
10. OBLIGATORY- Expected or required
11. LIGATURE- A binding or joining
Lesson Twelve
1. SEDITION- Act or practice aimed at undermining authority; rebellion
2. AMBIANCE- Environment surrounding; atmosphere
3. CIRCUITOUS- Roundabout or lengthy
4. TRANSITORY- Short-lived or temporary
5. ACCEDE- To agree, often at the urging of another
6. ANTECEDENT- One that precedes another
7. PRECEDENT- Tradition; an act or decision that is used as a model for future
acts or decisions
8. CONTRAVENE- To violate or go against
9. ADVENTITIOUS- Artificial; acquired
10. PARVENU- Someone newly wealthy
Lesson Thirteen
1. INCENDIARY- Inflaming; provoking heat or anger
2. INCENSE- To infuriate; to make passionately angry
3. INFLAMMATORY- Arousing anger or strong emotion
4. FLAMBOYANT- Intended to attract attention; showy
5. LUSTER- Brilliance; brightness
6. ILLUSTRIOUS- Well-known and distinguished
7. ILLUSTRATIVE- Descriptive; representative
8. FULMINATE- To attack with words; denounce
9. REFULGENT- Brilliantly illuminated; shining
10. FLAGRANT- Noticeably bad or offensive
11. CONFLAGRATION- A large fire
Lesson Fourteen
1. SEMANTIC- Having to do with the meaning of words or language
2. SEMIOTIC- Of or relating to signs or symbols
3. PARADIGM- A pattern or model
4. PHRASEOLOGY- The way in which something is expressed; style
5. METAPHRASE- An exact translation or restatement
6. PARAPHRASE- A summary that is not word-for-word
7. DEMONSTRATIVE- Openly expressive of emotions
8. REMONSTRATIVE- To protest or object
9. OMINOUS- Menacing; threatening
10. ABOMINABLE- Loathsome; disagreeable
11. ABOMINATION- Something disgustingly offensive
Lesson Fifteen
1. DETRIMENTAL- Causing damage or harm; injurious
2. CONTRITE- Feeling regret and sorrow; penitent
3. TRITE- Boring because of overuse or repetition
4. DETRITUS- Debris; junk
5. ATTRITION- A gradual lowering in number
6. LENIENT- Not strict; generous
7. LENITIVE- Easing pain or discord
8. MOLLIFY- To soothe the feeling of; to appease
9. RUDIMENT- A basic idea or principle
10. RUDIMENTARY- Underdeveloped; very basic or simple
1. ASSERTION- Something declared or stated positively
2. EXERTION- The use of power and of strength
3. DISSERTATION- A formal and long paper, written for a degree at a
university or college
4. DISCONCERT- To upset and confuse
5. CERTITUDE- Certainty; inevitability
6. ASCERTAIN- To discover; find out
7. ANNEX- To attach oneself; take over
8. NEXUS- The core or center
9. LIAISON- Intermediary; go-between
10. OBLIGATORY- Expected or required
11. LIGATURE- A binding or joining
Lesson Twelve
1. SEDITION- Act or practice aimed at undermining authority; rebellion
2. AMBIANCE- Environment surrounding; atmosphere
3. CIRCUITOUS- Roundabout or lengthy
4. TRANSITORY- Short-lived or temporary
5. ACCEDE- To agree, often at the urging of another
6. ANTECEDENT- One that precedes another
7. PRECEDENT- Tradition; an act or decision that is used as a model for future
acts or decisions
8. CONTRAVENE- To violate or go against
9. ADVENTITIOUS- Artificial; acquired
10. PARVENU- Someone newly wealthy
Lesson Thirteen
1. INCENDIARY- Inflaming; provoking heat or anger
2. INCENSE- To infuriate; to make passionately angry
3. INFLAMMATORY- Arousing anger or strong emotion
4. FLAMBOYANT- Intended to attract attention; showy
5. LUSTER- Brilliance; brightness
6. ILLUSTRIOUS- Well-known and distinguished
7. ILLUSTRATIVE- Descriptive; representative
8. FULMINATE- To attack with words; denounce
9. REFULGENT- Brilliantly illuminated; shining
10. FLAGRANT- Noticeably bad or offensive
11. CONFLAGRATION- A large fire
Lesson Fourteen
1. SEMANTIC- Having to do with the meaning of words or language
2. SEMIOTIC- Of or relating to signs or symbols
3. PARADIGM- A pattern or model
4. PHRASEOLOGY- The way in which something is expressed; style
5. METAPHRASE- An exact translation or restatement
6. PARAPHRASE- A summary that is not word-for-word
7. DEMONSTRATIVE- Openly expressive of emotions
8. REMONSTRATIVE- To protest or object
9. OMINOUS- Menacing; threatening
10. ABOMINABLE- Loathsome; disagreeable
11. ABOMINATION- Something disgustingly offensive
Lesson Fifteen
1. DETRIMENTAL- Causing damage or harm; injurious
2. CONTRITE- Feeling regret and sorrow; penitent
3. TRITE- Boring because of overuse or repetition
4. DETRITUS- Debris; junk
5. ATTRITION- A gradual lowering in number
6. LENIENT- Not strict; generous
7. LENITIVE- Easing pain or discord
8. MOLLIFY- To soothe the feeling of; to appease
9. RUDIMENT- A basic idea or principle
10. RUDIMENTARY- Underdeveloped; very basic or simple
Third Quarter
Greek and Latin Roots
Lesson Eleven
Latin SERERE, SERTUM, “join” Latin CERNERE, CERTUM, “to separate, distinguish, decide” Latin NECTERE, NEXUS, "connect, bind" Latin LIGARE, LIGATUM, “to bind” |
Lesson Twelve
Latin IRE, ITUM, “to go, to pass” Latin CEDERE, CESSUM, “to go, to yield” Latin VENIRE, VENTUM, “to come, to arrive” |
Lesson Thirteen
Latin CENDERE, CENSUM, “to burn” Latin FLAMMA, “flame” Latin LUSTARE, LUSTRATUM, "to make bright" Latin FULMEN, "lightning, storm," FULGERE, "flash " Latin FLAGRARE, FLAGRANTUM, "to burn" |
Lesson Fourteen
Greek SEMA, “sign” Greek DIGMA, “a showing, comparison” Greek PHRASEIN, “to show, to tell” Latin MONTRARE, MONSTRATUM, “show, warn” Latin OMEN, "sign, warning" |
Lesson Fifteen
Latin TERRE, TRITUS, “to rub away, to wear, to crush” Latin LENIS, “smooth” Latin MOLLIS, "soft" Latin RUDIS, "rough" |