English 10
Second Quarter
Greek and Latin Vocabulary
Lesson Six
1. ADHERENT - A follower of a person or idea
2. INCOHERENT - Not able to be understood; nonsensical
3. INHERENT- Existing as a natural part
4. DIFFUSE - Spread out; not focused in one place
5. EFFUSIVE- Overflowing with words or feelings; gushing
6. PROFUSE- Plentiful; abundant
7. RESOLUTE- Determined; steadfast
8. DISSOLUTE- Devoted to sensual pleasure; lacking moral restraint
9. INSOLUBLE- Impossible to solve or fix
10. DILIGENT- Hard-working and careful
11. RECOLLECT- To remember; to recall
12. SACRILEGE- An act against a holy person or place
Lesson Seven
1. PROFICIENT- Skilled at; highly knowledgeable of
2. FACTOTUM- An assistant who does a variety of jobs
3. FACSIMILE- A copy or imitation
4. FACILE- Too simplistic or easy
5. REPOSE- State of rest; calmness or peacefulness
6. EXPOUND- To explain or discuss in detail
7. PROPONENT- One who argues in favor of; supporter
8. INFRASTRUCTURE- The basic framework of a building or a system
9. CONSTRUE- To interpret or analyze something in a particular way
10. CONSTRUCTIVE- Having a positive effect; helpful
11. DESTITUTE- Having no money; poor
12. RESTITUTION- Payment for an injury; compensation
13. STATURE- Level of achievement or authority; standing
Lesson Eight
1. COMPLACENT- Satisfied with a situation that should be changed
2. PLACEBO- Something with a positive mental effect; but no physical effect
3. PLACID- Calm; undisturbed
4. GRATUITOUS- Unnecessary or unwanted
5. INGRATIATE- To gain another’s favor by flattery or false friendliness
6. INGRATE- One who is not properly thankful
7. DOCILE- Easily taught; submissive to instruction
8. INDOCTRINATE- To teach a certain point of view to
9. DOCTRINE- That which is taught; body of beliefs or ideas
10. INTEMPERATE- Lacking moderation; severe or extreme
11. TEMPER- To decrease the strength of
12. TEMPERANCE- Restraint or moderation, especially with alcohol or food
Lesson Nine
1. TORTUOUS- Not direct or straightforward
2. RETORT- To respond critically or sarcastically
3. EXTORT- To wrongly or illegally force someone to comply with a demand
4. VOLUBLE- Talkative; given to rapid, abundant speech
5. CONVOLUTED- Having too many twists and turns; overly complicated
6. EVOLVE- To unfold; to develop or change gradually
7. INFLEXIBLE- Too unchangeable in character or purpose
8. DEFLECT- To cause to turn aside or away
9. INFLECTION- Change in pitch or tone of the voice
10. ADVERSE- Not helpful; harmful
11. REVERT- To fall back into an old condition
12. SUBVERT- To overthrow by undermining
Lesson Ten
1. DECRIMINALIZE- To do away with legal penalties for
2. INCRIMINATE- To reveal guilt, or make (someone) appear guilty
3. RECRIMINATION- An accusation made in reply; a counter-charge
4. CULPABLE- Deserving blame
5. CULPRIT- One responsible for a crime
6. MEA CULPA- Statement showing personal responsibility for a wrong
7. ONEROUS- Unpleasant and burdensome
8. ONUS- Burden or obligation
9. EXONERATE- To prove not guilty
10. APPROBATION- Praise or approval
11. REPROBATE- A dishonest or immoral person; a scoundrel
12. REPROVE- To scold or criticize
1. ADHERENT - A follower of a person or idea
2. INCOHERENT - Not able to be understood; nonsensical
3. INHERENT- Existing as a natural part
4. DIFFUSE - Spread out; not focused in one place
5. EFFUSIVE- Overflowing with words or feelings; gushing
6. PROFUSE- Plentiful; abundant
7. RESOLUTE- Determined; steadfast
8. DISSOLUTE- Devoted to sensual pleasure; lacking moral restraint
9. INSOLUBLE- Impossible to solve or fix
10. DILIGENT- Hard-working and careful
11. RECOLLECT- To remember; to recall
12. SACRILEGE- An act against a holy person or place
Lesson Seven
1. PROFICIENT- Skilled at; highly knowledgeable of
2. FACTOTUM- An assistant who does a variety of jobs
3. FACSIMILE- A copy or imitation
4. FACILE- Too simplistic or easy
5. REPOSE- State of rest; calmness or peacefulness
6. EXPOUND- To explain or discuss in detail
7. PROPONENT- One who argues in favor of; supporter
8. INFRASTRUCTURE- The basic framework of a building or a system
9. CONSTRUE- To interpret or analyze something in a particular way
10. CONSTRUCTIVE- Having a positive effect; helpful
11. DESTITUTE- Having no money; poor
12. RESTITUTION- Payment for an injury; compensation
13. STATURE- Level of achievement or authority; standing
Lesson Eight
1. COMPLACENT- Satisfied with a situation that should be changed
2. PLACEBO- Something with a positive mental effect; but no physical effect
3. PLACID- Calm; undisturbed
4. GRATUITOUS- Unnecessary or unwanted
5. INGRATIATE- To gain another’s favor by flattery or false friendliness
6. INGRATE- One who is not properly thankful
7. DOCILE- Easily taught; submissive to instruction
8. INDOCTRINATE- To teach a certain point of view to
9. DOCTRINE- That which is taught; body of beliefs or ideas
10. INTEMPERATE- Lacking moderation; severe or extreme
11. TEMPER- To decrease the strength of
12. TEMPERANCE- Restraint or moderation, especially with alcohol or food
Lesson Nine
1. TORTUOUS- Not direct or straightforward
2. RETORT- To respond critically or sarcastically
3. EXTORT- To wrongly or illegally force someone to comply with a demand
4. VOLUBLE- Talkative; given to rapid, abundant speech
5. CONVOLUTED- Having too many twists and turns; overly complicated
6. EVOLVE- To unfold; to develop or change gradually
7. INFLEXIBLE- Too unchangeable in character or purpose
8. DEFLECT- To cause to turn aside or away
9. INFLECTION- Change in pitch or tone of the voice
10. ADVERSE- Not helpful; harmful
11. REVERT- To fall back into an old condition
12. SUBVERT- To overthrow by undermining
Lesson Ten
1. DECRIMINALIZE- To do away with legal penalties for
2. INCRIMINATE- To reveal guilt, or make (someone) appear guilty
3. RECRIMINATION- An accusation made in reply; a counter-charge
4. CULPABLE- Deserving blame
5. CULPRIT- One responsible for a crime
6. MEA CULPA- Statement showing personal responsibility for a wrong
7. ONEROUS- Unpleasant and burdensome
8. ONUS- Burden or obligation
9. EXONERATE- To prove not guilty
10. APPROBATION- Praise or approval
11. REPROBATE- A dishonest or immoral person; a scoundrel
12. REPROVE- To scold or criticize
Second Quarter
Greek and Latin Roots
Lesson Six
Latin HAERERE, HAESUM, “to attach, be fixed” Latin FUNDERE, FUSUM, “to pour out” Latin SOLVERE, SOLUTUM, “to loosen, to solve” Latin LEGO, LECTUM, “to select, to choose, to gather” |
Lesson Seven
Latin FACERE, FACTUM, “to make, do” Latin PONERE, POSITUM, “to put, to place, to arrange” Latin STRUERE, STRUCTUM, “to build” Latin STARE, STATUS, “to stand” |
Lesson Eight
Latin PLACERE, PLACITUM, “to please” Latin GRATUS, “pleasing, earning thanks” or “thankful” Latin DOCERE, DOCTUM, "to teach” Latin TEMPERARE, TEMPERATUM, "to temper, make less severe” |
Lesson Nine
Latin TORQUERE, TORTUS, “to twist” Latin VOVERE, VOLUTUM, “to roll, to turn” Latin FLECTERE, FLECTUM, “to bend” Latin VERTERE, VERSUM, “to turn” |
Lesson Ten
Latin CRIMEN, “crime, charge of crime” Latin CULPARE, CULPATUM, “to blame” Latin ONUS, “burden” Latin PROBARE, PROBATUM, “prove good, approve” |