English 9 Syllabus
[email protected]
Stockdale High School
2800 Buena Vista Road,
Bakersfield, California 93311
(661) 665-2800
[email protected]
Stockdale High School
2800 Buena Vista Road,
Bakersfield, California 93311
(661) 665-2800
All curricular content for this course is based on the Stockdale High School ACTS and is aligned to the standards set by the State of California Department of Education. The goals in English 9 are to prepare students for the upcoming California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE), and to produce students who are proficient or advanced in the following curriculum:
First Quarter
Literature: Workplace documents, Plot and Setting, Character
Nonfiction: Synthesizing Sources, Using Primary and Secondary Sources
Grammar: Parts of Speech, Parts of the Sentence
Writing: Business Letter, Persuasive Essay
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots/Vocabulary
Second Quarter
Literature: Narrator and Voice, Comparing Themes, Irony and Ambiguity
Nonfiction: Generating Research, Evaluating Arguments
Grammar: Phrases, Clauses
Writing: Expository Essay
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots/Vocabulary
Third Quarter
Literature: Symbolism and Allegory, Poetry
Nonfiction: Synthesizing Sources
Grammar: Agreement, Using Pronouns Correctly, Using Verbs Correctly
Writing: Literary Response and Analysis Essay
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots/Vocabulary
Fourth Quarter
Literature: Drama
Nonfiction: Evaluating an Argument
Grammar: Using Modifiers Correctly
Writing: Portfolio Work
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots/Vocabulary
To perform successfully in English 9, students will need to bring the following materials to class on a daily basis: a covered Holt Language Arts textbook and Holt Handbook, a SSR book, notebook paper, a pen and pencil, and a student planner. A three-pronged folder will be provided for each
student and will be used as a writing portfolio. These portfolios will be kept
in the classroom throughout the school year.
Class Policies
Quarter Grades
A computerized grading program is used to record student grades in the following four categories: Homework/Class work, Quizzes, Unit Exams, and Writing. Each of these categories constitutes 25% of the final quarter grade. Electronic grade reports are sent home most Fridays and hard-copies of the reports are usually distributed to students every two weeks (on a Monday). The hard-copy progress report needs to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned to me by the following Friday for homework credit. Parents also have access to all student grades via the school's website.
Semester Grades
Semester grades are calculated by the English Department as follows: Quarter A (40%) + Quarter B (40%) + Final Exam (20%) = Total Semester Grade.
Grading Period
The first quarter will end on October 11and report cards will be sent home on October 18. The second quarter will end on December 20 and first semester grades will be mailed to parents on January 10. The third quarter ends on March 7 with report cards being sent home on March 14. Finally, the fourth quarter will end on May 29 (the last day of school) and second semester grades will be mailed on June 6.
Student Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism
What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s words or ideas as your own.
The following are ALL examples of plagiarism:
for classroom use.
It is also important to note that “collaborating” on assignments with a friend or parent could be considered a form of plagiarism, so be careful! (Example: Students who “work together” on an assignment and exchange answers, or parents who rewrite the poorly written sentences in their child’s essay.)
Stockdale High School has a “zero-tolerance” policy for plagiarism. Students caught engaging in this form of academic dishonesty will receive a zero on the assignment and be referred to the Dean of Students for further disciplinary action.
Please sign below and return this form by .
A copy of the syllabus, along with further information about class is available on my Stockdale High School webpage (doylesclass.com).
Your signature indicates that you have read and understood the English 9 Class Syllabus for the 2013-2014 school year, and the Student Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism.
Student Name (print) _____________________________________
Period ______ Student Signature ___________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________
Date _________________
Back to English 9
First Quarter
Literature: Workplace documents, Plot and Setting, Character
Nonfiction: Synthesizing Sources, Using Primary and Secondary Sources
Grammar: Parts of Speech, Parts of the Sentence
Writing: Business Letter, Persuasive Essay
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots/Vocabulary
Second Quarter
Literature: Narrator and Voice, Comparing Themes, Irony and Ambiguity
Nonfiction: Generating Research, Evaluating Arguments
Grammar: Phrases, Clauses
Writing: Expository Essay
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots/Vocabulary
Third Quarter
Literature: Symbolism and Allegory, Poetry
Nonfiction: Synthesizing Sources
Grammar: Agreement, Using Pronouns Correctly, Using Verbs Correctly
Writing: Literary Response and Analysis Essay
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots/Vocabulary
Fourth Quarter
Literature: Drama
Nonfiction: Evaluating an Argument
Grammar: Using Modifiers Correctly
Writing: Portfolio Work
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots/Vocabulary
To perform successfully in English 9, students will need to bring the following materials to class on a daily basis: a covered Holt Language Arts textbook and Holt Handbook, a SSR book, notebook paper, a pen and pencil, and a student planner. A three-pronged folder will be provided for each
student and will be used as a writing portfolio. These portfolios will be kept
in the classroom throughout the school year.
Class Policies
- I do not accept late work unless it is due to an excused absence.
- I do not round quarter or semester grades.
- Continuously chewing gum in class will result in detention.
- Not having covered textbooks will result in detention.
- Coming to class unprepared and without a textbook or Silent Sustained Reading book will result in detention.
- Students who violate the school dress code policy will be referred to the Dean.
- Any student engaged in cheating/plagiarizing will be given a zero for the assignment and referred to the Dean.
- Students who behave disrespectfully, or detract from the learning environment, will be sent to the Dean’s office with a referral.
Quarter Grades
A computerized grading program is used to record student grades in the following four categories: Homework/Class work, Quizzes, Unit Exams, and Writing. Each of these categories constitutes 25% of the final quarter grade. Electronic grade reports are sent home most Fridays and hard-copies of the reports are usually distributed to students every two weeks (on a Monday). The hard-copy progress report needs to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned to me by the following Friday for homework credit. Parents also have access to all student grades via the school's website.
Semester Grades
Semester grades are calculated by the English Department as follows: Quarter A (40%) + Quarter B (40%) + Final Exam (20%) = Total Semester Grade.
Grading Period
The first quarter will end on October 11and report cards will be sent home on October 18. The second quarter will end on December 20 and first semester grades will be mailed to parents on January 10. The third quarter ends on March 7 with report cards being sent home on March 14. Finally, the fourth quarter will end on May 29 (the last day of school) and second semester grades will be mailed on June 6.
Student Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism
What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s words or ideas as your own.
The following are ALL examples of plagiarism:
- Quoting or paraphrasing material without citing the sources of that material. Sources can include Web sites, magazines, newspapers, textbooks, journals, TV and radio programs, movies and videos, photographs and drawings, charts and graphs; any information or ideas that are not your own.
- Quoting a source without using quotation marks—even if you do cite it.
- Buying a paper online or downloading a paper from a free site.
- Copying or using work done by another student.
- Citing sources you didn’t use.
- Turning in the same paper for more than one class without the permission of both teachers.
for classroom use.
It is also important to note that “collaborating” on assignments with a friend or parent could be considered a form of plagiarism, so be careful! (Example: Students who “work together” on an assignment and exchange answers, or parents who rewrite the poorly written sentences in their child’s essay.)
Stockdale High School has a “zero-tolerance” policy for plagiarism. Students caught engaging in this form of academic dishonesty will receive a zero on the assignment and be referred to the Dean of Students for further disciplinary action.
Please sign below and return this form by .
A copy of the syllabus, along with further information about class is available on my Stockdale High School webpage (doylesclass.com).
Your signature indicates that you have read and understood the English 9 Class Syllabus for the 2013-2014 school year, and the Student Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism.
Student Name (print) _____________________________________
Period ______ Student Signature ___________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________
Date _________________
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