English 9
Fourth Quarter
Greek and Latin Vocabulary
Lesson Sixteen
1. METABOLISM- The process through which an organism changes food into energy
2. METAMORPHOSIS- Changing in form; tramsformation
3. METAPHORICAL- Symbolic rather than literal
4. INALIENABLE- Not able to be taken away
5. ALIENATE- To make hostile
6. ALIAS- A name that is not one's true name
7. ALTERATION- A change or modification
8. ALTERNATE- To go back and forth; change from one thing to another
9. ALTERCATION- A fight or dispute
10. SIMULATE- To mimic; imitate
11. DISSEMBLE- To conceal the truth; to deceive
12. SEMBLANCE- Rough likeness
Lesson Seventeen
1. IMMORTALIZE- To preserve in memory forever
2. MORBID- Taking an unhealthy interest in unpleasant things
3. MORTIFY- To cause extreme embarrassment
4. MORIBUND- In a dying or deathlike state
5. NOXIOUS- Harmful to physical or moral health
6. PERNICIOUS- Causing damage; harmful
7. BIODEGRADABLE- Able to be broken down naturally
8. SYMBIOTIC- Mutually beneficial; supporting one another's life
9. ANTIBIOTIC- Causing the death of living organism, especially harmful ones
10. VIVACIOUS- Cheerful and full of life
11. VIVID- Making a strong impression on the senses; clear and sharp
12. REVIVAL- The act or process of bringing back to life
Lesson Eighteen
1. INCOGNITO- Disguised as someone other than oneself
2. COGNITIVE- Relating to the process of thought
4. SOPHISTCATE- One well-traveled/knowledgeable about culture, etiquette, fashion
5. SOPHISTRY- Use of trickery and false logic in arguments
6. SOPHOMORIC- Not highly developed; crude
7. NOMINAL- In name only; not completely true
8. DENOMINATION- Subcategory or subgroup
9. NOMENCLATURE- Official system of naming
10. SYNONYMOUS- Meaning the same as
11. ANONYMOUS- Not revealing one's identity
12. ANTONYM- A word that means the opposite of another word
Lesson Nineteen
1. MATRON- A married woman
2. MATERNAL- Having the qualities of a mother; motherly
3. MATRICULATE- To enroll in a degree program; especially at a college
4. PATRONIZE- To talk down to; condescend
5. PATERNAL- Having the qualities of a father
6. PATRICIDE- The murder of a father
7. EXPATRIATE- A person living outside his or her native country
8. FILIAL- Having to do with the son
9. AFFILIATE- One related to or associated with
10. PROGENITOR- The founder of a line or race
11. PROGENY- Children or descendants
12. GENEALOGY- The study of families and descendants
Lesson Twenty
1. MAGNITUDE- Greatness of size, strength or importance
2. MAGNATE- An important, powerful person in business
3. MAGNETIC- Attracting people of things
4. MAXIM- A brief statement that conveys a general truth
5. DIMINISH- To make smaller; to lessen
7. MINUTE- Extremely small; to lessen
8. MICROSCOPIC- Done with attention to small details
9. MICROCOSM- A small model of a larger pattern or place
10. MEGALOPOLIS- A very large city
11. MEGALOMANIAC- One who believes him or herself to be all-powerful or indestructible
1. METABOLISM- The process through which an organism changes food into energy
2. METAMORPHOSIS- Changing in form; tramsformation
3. METAPHORICAL- Symbolic rather than literal
4. INALIENABLE- Not able to be taken away
5. ALIENATE- To make hostile
6. ALIAS- A name that is not one's true name
7. ALTERATION- A change or modification
8. ALTERNATE- To go back and forth; change from one thing to another
9. ALTERCATION- A fight or dispute
10. SIMULATE- To mimic; imitate
11. DISSEMBLE- To conceal the truth; to deceive
12. SEMBLANCE- Rough likeness
Lesson Seventeen
1. IMMORTALIZE- To preserve in memory forever
2. MORBID- Taking an unhealthy interest in unpleasant things
3. MORTIFY- To cause extreme embarrassment
4. MORIBUND- In a dying or deathlike state
5. NOXIOUS- Harmful to physical or moral health
6. PERNICIOUS- Causing damage; harmful
7. BIODEGRADABLE- Able to be broken down naturally
8. SYMBIOTIC- Mutually beneficial; supporting one another's life
9. ANTIBIOTIC- Causing the death of living organism, especially harmful ones
10. VIVACIOUS- Cheerful and full of life
11. VIVID- Making a strong impression on the senses; clear and sharp
12. REVIVAL- The act or process of bringing back to life
Lesson Eighteen
1. INCOGNITO- Disguised as someone other than oneself
2. COGNITIVE- Relating to the process of thought
4. SOPHISTCATE- One well-traveled/knowledgeable about culture, etiquette, fashion
5. SOPHISTRY- Use of trickery and false logic in arguments
6. SOPHOMORIC- Not highly developed; crude
7. NOMINAL- In name only; not completely true
8. DENOMINATION- Subcategory or subgroup
9. NOMENCLATURE- Official system of naming
10. SYNONYMOUS- Meaning the same as
11. ANONYMOUS- Not revealing one's identity
12. ANTONYM- A word that means the opposite of another word
Lesson Nineteen
1. MATRON- A married woman
2. MATERNAL- Having the qualities of a mother; motherly
3. MATRICULATE- To enroll in a degree program; especially at a college
4. PATRONIZE- To talk down to; condescend
5. PATERNAL- Having the qualities of a father
6. PATRICIDE- The murder of a father
7. EXPATRIATE- A person living outside his or her native country
8. FILIAL- Having to do with the son
9. AFFILIATE- One related to or associated with
10. PROGENITOR- The founder of a line or race
11. PROGENY- Children or descendants
12. GENEALOGY- The study of families and descendants
Lesson Twenty
1. MAGNITUDE- Greatness of size, strength or importance
2. MAGNATE- An important, powerful person in business
3. MAGNETIC- Attracting people of things
4. MAXIM- A brief statement that conveys a general truth
5. DIMINISH- To make smaller; to lessen
7. MINUTE- Extremely small; to lessen
8. MICROSCOPIC- Done with attention to small details
9. MICROCOSM- A small model of a larger pattern or place
10. MEGALOPOLIS- A very large city
11. MEGALOMANIAC- One who believes him or herself to be all-powerful or indestructible
Fourth Quarter
Greek and Latin Roots
Lesson Sixteen
Greek META, "after, changed, beyond" Latin ALIUS, "other, another" Latin ALTER, "other" Latin SIMULARE, SIMULATUM, "to imitate, to pretend, to appear to be" |
Lesson Seventeen
Latin MORS, MOTIS, "death" Latin NOCERE, NOXUM, "to hurt, kill," NEC, NEXIS, "death" Greek BIOS, "life" Latin VIVERE, VICTUM, "to live" |
Lesson Eighteen
Latin COGNOSCERE, COGNITUM, "to know" Greek SOPHOS, "wise" Latin NOMEN, NOMINIS, "name" Greek ONOMA, "name" |
Lesson Nineteen
Latin MATER, "mother" Latin PATER, "father" Latin FILIUS, "son, child" Latin GIGNERE, GENITUS, "give birth to, create" |
Lesson Twenty
Latin MAGNUS, "large, great" Latin MAXIMUS, "largest, greatest" Latin MINOR, "less," MINUERE, MINUTUM, "to lessen" Greek MICROS, "small" Greek MEGALOS, "large" |