English 9
Third Quarter
Greek and Latin Vocabulary
Lesson Eleven
1. PERJURY- Breaking of a legal oath
2. ABJURE- To swear off; renounce
3. CONJURE- To bring forth, especially through words
4. PREDOMINANT- Being most evident or apparent
5. DOMINEERING- Forcing others to obey
6. INDOMITABLE- Unbearable; resilient
7. ARISTOCRACY- Group of the most wealthy and privileged
8. THEOCRACY- Government by a religious leader or figure
9. BUREAUCRAT- A minor official
10. LEGITIMIZE- To give credit or recognition to
11. PRIVILEGED- Available only to a special few; entitled to something special
12. LEGISLATIVE- Having to do with the law
Lesson Twelve
1. RAPACIOUS- Seizing everything; greedy
2. RAPT- Giving total attention to; captivated
3. SURREPTITIOUS- Hidden or secret; done without notice
4. PERCEPTIBLE- Able to be noticed or felt
5. SUSCEPTIBLE- Able to be influenced
6. PRECEPT- An idea important to a system of beliefs
7. VORACIOUS- Devouring everything
8. OMNIVOROUS- Feeding on both plants and animals
9. HERBIVOROUS- Eating only plants
10. DECADENT- Overly luxurious and lacking moral discipline; excessive
11. CADENCE- Rhythmic rise and fall
12. CASUALTY- Something or someone injured, killed or eliminated
Lesson Thirteen
1. AFFLUENT- Wealthy and privileged; well-to-do
2. SUPERFLUOUS- Additional to what is necessary; extra
3. MELLIFLUOUS- Sweetly flowing or sounding
4. LEAVEN- To make less heavy or serious
5. LEVITY- Lack of seriousness, jolly or joking manner
6. ALLEVIATE- To make less painful or dangerous
7. ELAPSE- To slip away; go by
8. COLLAPSE- Complete failure and ruin
9. RELAPSE- A falling back into an old illness or bad habit
10. RECEDE- To move back or away from
11. CONCESSION- Something given up or yielded
12. CEDE- To surrender
Lesson Fourteen
1. INCONSEQUENTIAL- Having no effect or importance
2. CONSECUTIVE- Following in order
3. EXECUTION- The way something is done
4. COURIER- One who carries and delivers
5. INCUR- To bring about
6. RECURRENT- Happening repeatedly
7. GRADUALISM- A policy which involves taking slow, measured actions
8. REGRESS- To go back to a less mature or less positive state
9. DIGRESS- To move away from the topic at hand; ramble
10. AMBLE- To casually walk; stroll
11. AMBULATORY- Able to walk
12. PREAMBLE- A passage/speech which introduces another longer passage or speech
Lesson Fifteen
1. ENJOIN- 1. To command; to urge 2. to forbid
2. INJUNTION- An order which legally prevents something
3. REJOINDER- An answer, a reply
4. IMPARTIAL- Having no bias or favor
5. PARTISAN- Believing and acting on the ideas of a political party or group
6. IMPART- To give away; share
7. INCLUSIVE- Containing all; not keeping any out
8. INCONCLUSIVE- Providing no clear answer or solution
9. PRECLUDE- Prevent from happening
10. PRECISE- Accurate; definite
11. INDECISIVE- Unable to make choices
12. INCISION- A cut made in order to get inside something
1. PERJURY- Breaking of a legal oath
2. ABJURE- To swear off; renounce
3. CONJURE- To bring forth, especially through words
4. PREDOMINANT- Being most evident or apparent
5. DOMINEERING- Forcing others to obey
6. INDOMITABLE- Unbearable; resilient
7. ARISTOCRACY- Group of the most wealthy and privileged
8. THEOCRACY- Government by a religious leader or figure
9. BUREAUCRAT- A minor official
10. LEGITIMIZE- To give credit or recognition to
11. PRIVILEGED- Available only to a special few; entitled to something special
12. LEGISLATIVE- Having to do with the law
Lesson Twelve
1. RAPACIOUS- Seizing everything; greedy
2. RAPT- Giving total attention to; captivated
3. SURREPTITIOUS- Hidden or secret; done without notice
4. PERCEPTIBLE- Able to be noticed or felt
5. SUSCEPTIBLE- Able to be influenced
6. PRECEPT- An idea important to a system of beliefs
7. VORACIOUS- Devouring everything
8. OMNIVOROUS- Feeding on both plants and animals
9. HERBIVOROUS- Eating only plants
10. DECADENT- Overly luxurious and lacking moral discipline; excessive
11. CADENCE- Rhythmic rise and fall
12. CASUALTY- Something or someone injured, killed or eliminated
Lesson Thirteen
1. AFFLUENT- Wealthy and privileged; well-to-do
2. SUPERFLUOUS- Additional to what is necessary; extra
3. MELLIFLUOUS- Sweetly flowing or sounding
4. LEAVEN- To make less heavy or serious
5. LEVITY- Lack of seriousness, jolly or joking manner
6. ALLEVIATE- To make less painful or dangerous
7. ELAPSE- To slip away; go by
8. COLLAPSE- Complete failure and ruin
9. RELAPSE- A falling back into an old illness or bad habit
10. RECEDE- To move back or away from
11. CONCESSION- Something given up or yielded
12. CEDE- To surrender
Lesson Fourteen
1. INCONSEQUENTIAL- Having no effect or importance
2. CONSECUTIVE- Following in order
3. EXECUTION- The way something is done
4. COURIER- One who carries and delivers
5. INCUR- To bring about
6. RECURRENT- Happening repeatedly
7. GRADUALISM- A policy which involves taking slow, measured actions
8. REGRESS- To go back to a less mature or less positive state
9. DIGRESS- To move away from the topic at hand; ramble
10. AMBLE- To casually walk; stroll
11. AMBULATORY- Able to walk
12. PREAMBLE- A passage/speech which introduces another longer passage or speech
Lesson Fifteen
1. ENJOIN- 1. To command; to urge 2. to forbid
2. INJUNTION- An order which legally prevents something
3. REJOINDER- An answer, a reply
4. IMPARTIAL- Having no bias or favor
5. PARTISAN- Believing and acting on the ideas of a political party or group
6. IMPART- To give away; share
7. INCLUSIVE- Containing all; not keeping any out
8. INCONCLUSIVE- Providing no clear answer or solution
9. PRECLUDE- Prevent from happening
10. PRECISE- Accurate; definite
11. INDECISIVE- Unable to make choices
12. INCISION- A cut made in order to get inside something
Third Quarter
Greek and Latin Roots
Lesson Eleven
Latin JURARE, “to swear, to vow,” IUS, IURIS, "law" Latin DOMINOR, DOMINARI, “to rule, to dominate” Greek KRATEIN, “to rule,” KRATOS, "power" Latin LEX, LEGIS, “law” |
Lesson Twelve
Latin RAPERE, RAPTUM, “to snatch,” RAPAX, "greedy, devouring" Latin CAPERE, CAPTUM, “seize, take" Latin VORARE, VORATUM, “to eat” Latin CADERE, CASUM, “to fall" |
Lesson Thirteen
Latin FLUERE, FLUCTUM, “to flow” Latin LEVIS, “light” Latin LABI, LAPSUS, “slip, slide” Latin CEDERE, CESSUM, “to move along, to go” |
Lesson Fourteen
Latin SEQUI, SECUTUS, “to follow” Latin CURRERE, CURSUM, “to run” Latin GRADI, GRESSUM, “to step” Latin AMBULARE, AMBULATUM, “to walk” |
Lesson Fifteen
Latin JUNGERE, JUNCTUM, “to join, yoke” Latin PARS, PARTIS, “part” Latin CLAUDERE, CLAUSUM, “to close” Latin CADERE, CAESUM, “to cut” |