English 9
First Quarter
Greek and Latin Vocabulary
Lesson One
1. CIRCUMSPECT- Careful; mindful of rules and consequences
2. ELUCIDATE- To make clear by explaining
3. IMPROVISE- To create without any forethought or preparation
4. INVIDIOUS- Hateful or spiteful
5. LUCID- Easy to understand; clear
6. PHOSPHORESCENT- Giving off light without heat
7. PHOTOGENIC- Attractive in pictures or photographic
8. PHOTOTROPIC- Tending to grow or move toward light
9. PROSPECT- That which is expected
10. PROVIDENTIAL- Happening by good fortune
11. SPECTER- A ghost or phantom
12. TRANSLUCENT- Allowing light to pass through
Lesson Two
1. AFFABLE- Easy to converse with
2. DICTUM- A formal or authoritative statement
3. EDICT- An official order
4. ENUNCIATE- To pronounce or articulate
5. INDICT- To charge with a crime; accuse
6. INEFFABLE- Unutterable; indescribable
7. INFANTILE- Childish; immature
8. INVOKE- To call on for support
9. PRONOUNCEMENT- A declaration of opinion; judgment
10. PROVOCATIVE- Causing disturbance or excitement
11. RENOUNCE- To reject by declaration
12. REVOKE- To make invalid; deactivate
Lesson Three
1. ABSTAIN- Not to do something; refrain
2. CONFOUND- To confuse and frustrate
3. DEPLETE- To use up; waste
4. IMPLEMENT- To put into action; execute
5. INFUSE- To inject; to fill up something or someone
6. INHIBIT- To get in the way of; hinder
7. PROHIBIT- To stop one from doing something; prevent
8. REPLETE- Filled up with
9. RETINUE- A group that attends an important person
10. SUFFUSE- To fill up from within; to spread throughout
11. SUSTAIN- To support for an extended period of time
12. TENACIOUS- Stubbornly persistent; determined
Lesson Four
1. ADEPT- Skilled; expert at
2. APTITUDE- Skill or suitability for
3. DISPOSITION- Attitude or mood
4. EFFIGY- A figure constructed in mockery
5. FIGMENT- Something invented or imaginary
6. FORMATIVE- Occurring at the time of most influence
7. IMPOSE- To forcibly place upon
8. INEPT- Unskilled; clumsy.
9. MISINFORMATION- Untrue or wrong information
10. POSIT- To put forth; place
11. PREFIGURE- To look like or predict a later thing or event
12. REFORM- To bring back to rightness; order, or morality
Lesson Five
1. AGENDA- Plan of action; purpose
2. ALLEGATION- Claim of wrongdoing, charge
3. DELEGATE- To divide up; especially responsibilities
4. DILATE- To widen
5. DISPEL- To scatter about, break up
6. EXACTING- Demanding perfection; strict
7. LEGACY- Body of ideas, achievements, and morals; example
8. PROACTIVE- Seeking to solve a problem before it occurs
9. PROPEL- To cause to move towards; push
10. RELATIVE- Dependent upon
11. REPULSION- Desire to avoid; disgust
12. SUPERLATIVE- Excellent; above all others
1. CIRCUMSPECT- Careful; mindful of rules and consequences
2. ELUCIDATE- To make clear by explaining
3. IMPROVISE- To create without any forethought or preparation
4. INVIDIOUS- Hateful or spiteful
5. LUCID- Easy to understand; clear
6. PHOSPHORESCENT- Giving off light without heat
7. PHOTOGENIC- Attractive in pictures or photographic
8. PHOTOTROPIC- Tending to grow or move toward light
9. PROSPECT- That which is expected
10. PROVIDENTIAL- Happening by good fortune
11. SPECTER- A ghost or phantom
12. TRANSLUCENT- Allowing light to pass through
Lesson Two
1. AFFABLE- Easy to converse with
2. DICTUM- A formal or authoritative statement
3. EDICT- An official order
4. ENUNCIATE- To pronounce or articulate
5. INDICT- To charge with a crime; accuse
6. INEFFABLE- Unutterable; indescribable
7. INFANTILE- Childish; immature
8. INVOKE- To call on for support
9. PRONOUNCEMENT- A declaration of opinion; judgment
10. PROVOCATIVE- Causing disturbance or excitement
11. RENOUNCE- To reject by declaration
12. REVOKE- To make invalid; deactivate
Lesson Three
1. ABSTAIN- Not to do something; refrain
2. CONFOUND- To confuse and frustrate
3. DEPLETE- To use up; waste
4. IMPLEMENT- To put into action; execute
5. INFUSE- To inject; to fill up something or someone
6. INHIBIT- To get in the way of; hinder
7. PROHIBIT- To stop one from doing something; prevent
8. REPLETE- Filled up with
9. RETINUE- A group that attends an important person
10. SUFFUSE- To fill up from within; to spread throughout
11. SUSTAIN- To support for an extended period of time
12. TENACIOUS- Stubbornly persistent; determined
Lesson Four
1. ADEPT- Skilled; expert at
2. APTITUDE- Skill or suitability for
3. DISPOSITION- Attitude or mood
4. EFFIGY- A figure constructed in mockery
5. FIGMENT- Something invented or imaginary
6. FORMATIVE- Occurring at the time of most influence
7. IMPOSE- To forcibly place upon
8. INEPT- Unskilled; clumsy.
9. MISINFORMATION- Untrue or wrong information
10. POSIT- To put forth; place
11. PREFIGURE- To look like or predict a later thing or event
12. REFORM- To bring back to rightness; order, or morality
Lesson Five
1. AGENDA- Plan of action; purpose
2. ALLEGATION- Claim of wrongdoing, charge
3. DELEGATE- To divide up; especially responsibilities
4. DILATE- To widen
5. DISPEL- To scatter about, break up
6. EXACTING- Demanding perfection; strict
7. LEGACY- Body of ideas, achievements, and morals; example
8. PROACTIVE- Seeking to solve a problem before it occurs
9. PROPEL- To cause to move towards; push
10. RELATIVE- Dependent upon
11. REPULSION- Desire to avoid; disgust
12. SUPERLATIVE- Excellent; above all others
First Quarter
Greek and Latin Roots
Lesson One
Greek PHOT, PHOS, “light” Latin LUX, LUCIUS, “light” Latin SPECERE, SPECTUM, “to look at” Latin VIDERE, VISUM, “to seek, to look” |
Lesson Two
Latin NUNTIARE, NUNTIATUM, “to announce” Latin VOCARE, VOCATUS, “to call” Latin FOR, FARI, “to speak” Latin DICERE, DICTUM, “to say, to tell” |
Lesson Three
Latin HABERE, HABITUM, “to have, hold” Latin FUNDERE, FUSUM, “to pour out” Latin TENERE, TENTUM, “to hold” Latin PLERE, PLETUM, “to fill” |
Lesson Four
Latin FORMARE, FORMATUM, “to form, to establish” Latin APTARE, APTUM, “to fit” Latin PONERE, POSITUM, “to put, place” Latin FINGERE, FICTUM, "to shape" |
Lesson Five
Latin LEGARE, LAGATUM, “to appoint, to send on a mission, to charge with” Latin AGERE, ACTUM, “to do, act” Latin PELLERE, PULSUM, “to push" Latin LATUM, “brought, carried" |